What could be worse than when you rush to work, and your car battery dies. I am sure that at least once almost everybody had a situation like this. This can happen for two reasons: either through negligence when we left the lights on overnight or not correctly keep the battery and erodes the status of the battery over time until not completely. In the second case, normally for a urban myth - fall a misconception about lead-acid car batteries. For this article I chose eight of the most common myths about these batteries and a truth in the end.
Eight myths are:
Storage of drums in concrete pavement downloads Driving a car completely will recharge your battery under no circumstances In the cold days much turn on headlights "hot" battery before starting the engine Lead-acid batteries have memory A higher capacity battery will produce damage in the car Once formed, the car battery cannot change their polarity A car battery will not lose power during storage. Defective car batteries does not affect the loading or starting
These are all myths and neither is true. Let's see why:
(Batteries 1.) in a wooden case (about 100 years ago) really are downloaded when specifically. But given that they are firmly sealed in plastic containers now, there will be no involuntary loss.
(2) The second myth is some truth in it, but it takes long hours of constant driving at the speed of the road to recharge a battery. In this case it is better to use a battery charger.
(3) Can really heat a battery through the increase in consumption, but it will never be sufficient to facilitate engine starting. In fact you can only use the last part of the power which would have started the car.
(4) Does not exist any memory effect in lead-acid batteries. That is why they work so well in cars. If they lose capacity is due to the cells of aging or bad maintenance.
(5) Applications in the car will only use as much of the capacity necessary. Greater capacity of doesn't hurt.
(When 6.) completely downloaded a car battery can reverse their polarity during initial recharge.
(7) It is normal that a car battery download at speeds of 1-25% per month.
(Battery weak or flawed A 8.) It can affect the charging and implementation underway. If you replace the battery, alternator, voltage regulator and power, ensure that all components are in good condition.
The problem with these myths is that when we take serious, it is likely to keep the battery bad. And a poorly maintained car battery will have a shorter battery life and could suddenly die on you. Note that you must follow the manufacturer's instructions.
The one truth about car batteries is: "maintenance of a car battery is very easy and can be done once a month in warm periods and to always change oil for engine during periods of low temperatures".
I am a battery geek, I admit. Know a bit about batteries, I think it is time to put the public reported it is fairly easy Battery reconditioning. See my site for more information on reconditioning batteries.
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